Monopoly Game
This project was an assessment for my ASE degree and introduced me to the value, of automated build, testing and code quality tools on project development. This was all done using gradle and the checkstyle plugin within IntelliJ. This project was important to develop as in order to complete a stage of development, I needed to pass a gradle buildAndReport file. The requirements of this buildAndReport file was a minimum 50% line coverage of each class file for tests, every test must pass and less then 10 checkstyle errors. This project helped me develop my understanding of software development process which would be vital to master automated building for future projects. This helped me conduct thorough tests on projects and ensure that I can eliminate as many bugs as possible whilst creating a well designed and constructed program. The style of project development is also widely used throughout the industry and will help me integrate well with other developers.
Developing this projects also helped me wrap my head around the OOP paradigm as I had to develop many of it's core concepts such as encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritence, etc. This was because I have never tried out programming in Java before I was tasked with this project, but I had learnt about the concept of OOP at GCSE and A-level. I never struggled with understanding the concepts of OOP, but applying my understanding of OOP was where I struggled and this project helped me develop my understanding of programming and cement my understanding of this program style.
I have included a github and a gitlab link because I used pipelines to test and build the game and I don't believe Github has the pipeline feature.
Languages used during the development of this project:
- Java