Python GUI app for my mum's website

This was my first large scale product which I undertook during my A-level computer science qualification. This was a very important program for me as it is where I decided that I was determined to become a software engineer. This app when developed and submitted to the exam board was a highlighting factor of my A-level qualification, I achieved an A on this section of the course and was appraised for how well constructed and thought out. Although the program's visuals look very limited, I enjoyed working on the back-end most as I was mesmorised with how the program's logic was executed. Additionally, it led me to develop my ability to design applications as I wanted to make a better looking final product. But fundamentally, the program works perfectly and integrates well with the database. This project was the genesis for me as all the core concepts I used in future projects were developed on this very project, and what made me adore a software engineering role.

Languages used during the development of this project:

  • Python
  • SQlite